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- 0901최원석한국정부회계학회장내방.jpg (68KB) (368)
On September 1, the president of KACPTA (Mr. Won Kyeong Hei) and our senior management had a pleasant talk with the chairman of the Korean Association for Government Accounting (Chairman Choi Won-seok) and senior management, who visited the KACPTA building in Seocho-dong. "Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of Korean Association for Government Accounting ," President Won Kyeong-hei said. "I hope your association will continue to make efforts to develop the budget, taxation and accounting sectors in the Korean public sector through various academic conferences, research sessions, and lectures." Chairman Choi Won-seok also responded by saying, "We will strengthen cooperation with the KACPTA and other related agencies so that it can become a more substantial society."