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The KACPTA held its 58th regular general meeting on June 30
2020-08-10 13:34
Written by : 관리자
Views : 716
Attached file : 13

The KACPTA held its 58th regular general meeting on June 30 at the auditorium on the sixth floor of the KACPTA buliding in Seocho-dong, attended by around 150 members. The KACPTA has recently reduced the size of the event due to COVID-19 pandemic also in consideration of the safety of its members in the local community. In the government's rewards, President Won Kyeong Hei passed down the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance (23), the Minister of Public Administration and Security (24), the Minister of Employment and Labor (2), the Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business (10), the Director of the National Tax Service (30), and the Minister of Government Legislation (7). In addition, the KACPTA President's Commendation was awarded to members who contributed to the development of the KACPTA and the CPTA system. Central and Daegu local tax societies were selected as excellent local tax societies, and a total of 15 local tax societies, including Seongbuk regional tax societies, received commendations. Three appreciation plaques (3 people), achievement awards (115 people), and turtle awards (207 people) were awarded, and commendations were given to employees of the Secretariat and member officers.