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The official visit of the Japanese National Tax Agency Officer Ms. Achemy Nishioka
2020-09-28 15:36
Written by : 관리자
Views : 684
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On the 9th of September, President Won Kyeong Hei had a pleasant talk with Achemy Nishioka, an official at the Japanese National Tax Agency, who visited the KACPTA building. "We have been in and out of the two countries for 29 years with the Japanese Federation of Certified Public Tax Accountants' Association." President Won said. "We hope that we can contribute to the development of the two countries' tax systems and economic development by establishing close cooperation with the Japanese National Tax Agency. "We appreciate the hospitality of the KACPTA." said Achemy Nishioka, an official at the office. "Let's work together for the development of the two countries."