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Inauguration Ceremony of the academy for CPTAs who want to become a political leader
2022-05-19 15:18
- 세무사 정치지도자 아카데미 발족식 1.jpg (69KB) (204)
- 세무사 정치지도자 아카데미 발족식 3.jpg (66KB) (214)
- 세무사 정치지도자 아카데미 발족식 2.jpg (31KB) (219)
The KACPTA launched the Academy for Certified Public Tax Accountants who wants to be Political Leaders on Dec. 22 in the auditorium on the sixth floor of the KACPTA hall in Seocho-dong.
In the first meeting held following the inauguration ceremony, Current chairman of Daejeon Metropolitan City Council Kwon Joong-soon who was elected three-times as a council member and also CPTA attended the lecture and had communication session to share his know-how.