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The 37th Annual Research Presentation on Taxation Practices
2020-09-29 15:53
Written by : 관리자
Views : 627
Attached file : 3

The KACPTA held the 37th Annual Research Presentation on Taxation Practices in the auditorium on the sixth floor of the KACPTA building on 17th of September. At the research presentation, CPTA Kim Myeon-kyu, presented a working case under the theme of the controversy over the taxation of inheritance and gift taxes for the founding business rights of private companies, and CPTA Ko Kyung-hee, presented the way to respond to the National Tax Service's appraisal of small buildings under the Inheritance and Gift Tax Act. To comply with the government COVID019 quarantine guidelines, the KACPTA had to limit the number of participants under fifty. Only those who applied over the net in advance for the first-come, first-served application.